I have been working with horses since I left school, and I am a freelance coach specialising in dressage and flatwork. I specialise in helping riders and their horses build their confidence. I have trained horses of all breeds and ages from very novice to advanced. I was involved in the TTT Trust which no longer exists but the teaching and coaching I received heavily influenced how I teach and the outlook I have when coaching riders and their horses. I was fortunate enough to ride on clinics with Charles de Kunffy and Stephen Clarke both famous for teaching students using motivational, inspiring and thought provoking methods.
I am an ethical trainer, which means that equine wellbeing and welfare is of prime importance during any training sessions.
I do not use do not use shortcuts, gadgets or quick fixes.
My focus is on coaching the rider to develop a balanced seat, improving communication between horse and rider and teaching riders to respond to any problems the horse is experiencing through consistent and thoughtful riding.
This allows horses to become supple, balanced and confident in their riders, and instils self-carriage and fluency of movement and which is essential in helping riders achieve their goals whether this is to enjoy hacking or to compete.
Training and help for riders of all levels, across Kent, Essex, Surrey and Sussex
improving the bond between horse and rider
Improving your dressage and flatwork
Helping your horse to become more balanced through polework
Developing rider confidence by breaking training into smaller and achievable segments
Sensory Integration problems in horses. We often miss the signs that our horses are having problems with processing what is going on around them. Once we identify any problems a horse is having it becomes easier to address them