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Are you struggling with your dog when you are out walking?


Help is at hand.  


I’m here to give you the best support for you and your dog.


Do you feel like a bad dog owner because your dog barks when walking?


You are not alone! Owning an reactive or anxious dog is not easy and can be very frustrating, as walks are neither relaxing or enjoyable.


Other dog owners may disapprove but your dog is NOT being naughty or misbehaving.


Your dog is not behaving badly, but he is just trying to communicate his discomfort around other dogs.


Do any of the following sound familiar?


  • Does your dog bark or lunge at other dogs when you walk?

  • Does your dog pull on the lead and become increasingly tense and anxious as he approaches areas where there are a lot of dogs?

  • Does your dog pull to get to other dogs, but on approaching, seems to change his mind and his behaviour changes for the worse?

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For dogs that dislike or fear meeting other dogs when they are out, walks can be the worst part of their day. Instead of enjoying their time outside these dogs become stressed and fearful which takes all joy away as they step outside the door.


The reason for this behaviour is often caused by previous bad experiences. Fearful and reactive dogs have often been bullied or attacked by other dogs at some point in their history which causes extreme reactions to other dogs.


Or alternatively, many dogs have not met many other dogs in their early lives and their social skills are not well established.


Only force-free and kind methods are used and sessions are tailored to each and every individual dog and owner.


Fearful dogs need more than basic training to help them with the fear and worry of being attacked by another dog. This is done by building confidence, diffusing stress and by understanding the problems your dog is experiencing . Aversive techniques are never used because they are likely to cause increased anxiety.


As an accredited and insured canine behaviour advisor I only use kind, force-free methods. 


I offer a variety of options and packages and when you and your dog are ready regular group social walks are held which help dogs to feel safe and secure with other dogs. These are held in quiet areas and groups are kept small so that the dogs don’t become overwhelmed.

When your dog is ready I also have a lovely calm greyhound that will help put your dog at ease and help make the transition with helping your dog overcome his/ her fears


If you have a reactive dog and would like advice or support with any issues, please feel free to get in touch today.



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